Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Have we lost it?

We have finally lost our marbles! We have a toddler and a baby and a big, black, hairy dog and now we have a white sectional to go with them. Cue the laughter track!

Our sectional is amazing!!! It's the Baldwin sectional from Ballard Designs. Down stuffed and super comfortable. Can easily seat +10 adults. Can be reconfigured or separated if need be. Oh yeah, and it's slipcovers are machine washable! 

When we bought it we went back and forth on the color forever! We looked at the dark brown, the white, the off white, a linen, a velvet, and even a striped pattern. In the end the only thing we could agree on was midway between the brown and the off white. A dark, golden khaki twill called caramel was the winner! (the top pic is not true color - the bottom one is more accurate)

It has been a great 3 years since then... I have secretly been stalking the Ballard website for the last one and a half hoping and praying that they might for some crazy reason decide to discount the Baldwin slipcovers. And about 3 months ago, it happened! I was floored to see nearly every piece that makes up our sectional marked down from over $300 to between $59 and $79! Yes, that is still really expensive but it is a huge savings compared to the full price! But of course there is a catch... only select patterns were on sale. The two that might work for us were the Latte (gray/brown) and Chocolate velvet. I love the idea of a velvet couch but the big catch is that it is not machine washable. After ensuring they were not final sale, I ordered the Latte ones. Five days later they were on my doorstep. 

I quickly put them on a piece of the sectional. They were crazy soft and a beautiful color but once I got them on it wasn't instant love! It was really dark, totally blended into our dark wood tables, and made the room seem super small (plus the dry cleaning bill kept flashing before my eyes!) Here is the cell phone picture I quickly took... 

I struggled because this was such a good deal but ultimately knew that these were not the ones for us. So back they went and I kept my fingers crossed that maybe another color would be marked down soon!

A few weeks ago, I excitedly found that the white quilted set had been marked down. I was ecstatic and nervous! Where we ready to commit to white? My sister has a white non slipcovered sectional that I love and she has a toddler. We decided to give it a try.

I must say it was instant love! We are still trying to sort out the accent pillows but I think that the gray works best with the cool white of the slipcovers and the drapes and wall color. I love how clean it looks and how much bigger the room looks! The caramel covers are now slowly being washed and dried and put away for a bit. Just goes to show that you have to wait until you find what you really love!

1 comment:

  1. I love white sofas! They just seem to ground the room. As long as you can wash the slipcovers you should be good :)
