Thursday, January 22, 2015

My metabolism... Food for thought

It's a topic that lots of us are probably thinking about since its January.... Weight, healthy eating choices, feeling better. I'm pretty sure that I make the resolution almost every year to get healthy and yet here I am again. 

I must admit. I love food... especially sweets. And I really adore chocolate. It's a pretty serious affair that's been going on for like 30+ years. I like to blame my dad because he has the same sweet tooth! 

I've tried it all. I successfully lost and maintained with Weight Watchers for close to 4 years. Then I had lil man and between working and him I wasn't making the best eating choices but it kind of still worked because we were on the go. Then I got pregnant with lil lady and bed rest really racked on the pounds. But I dropped them and more crazy fast thanks to her dairy intolerance. Because pretty much every processed food has dairy in it (especially all the sweets and chocolate!) It's amazing the dedication you have when your food choices impact your child. This was probably my thinnest and healthiest I'd been in years. But then life happened and I fell off the wagon and my body stopped bouncing back like it used to. One day of splurging (or even thinking about splurging) and I saw the scale jump. 

Enter a good friend who shared a similar experience and her success with the Fast Metabolism Diet. It's a 28 day plan that helps reset your metabolism. I did some research and it sounded doable. So here I am! My library actually had a copy do I downloaded it to my Kindle app and it's there whenever I need it.

It's a 3 phased approach. So 2 days of grains, vegetables, and fruit on Phase 1. 2 days of lean protein and veggies on Phase 2. Followed by 3 days of fats, protein, veggies, and fruit. There are lots more details and specifics so I recommend getting the book if you want to try this. I'm on day 4 which is pretty rough but I know that tomorrow is going to be lots of yummy food so I'm pushing thru! I've already starting seeing changes and that's super motivating too!

Check out this yummy stuffed pepper dinner I made last night!!! I made it the night before too - but I added in quinoa, sweet potatoes, and fire roasted tomatoes. Mmmmmm...

2 cups baby spinach diced
1/2 red onion diced
10 mushrooms cooked and diced
4 peppers cored
1/2 lb ground chicken breast cooked
Cilantro, garlic, tamari to season

1. Preheat oven to 350. Combine everything except peppers in a bowl until well mixed.

2. Stuff peppers with mixture. Place in a covered - oven safe dish. 

3. Bake on 350 for 40 minutes. 

And enjoy!!!! I made 4 so I would have 2 for dinner last night and 2 for tonight.

I had a little of the mixture left... And talk about about tasty! I added it to my egg white omelette this morning!!!

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