Monday, June 4, 2012

For Real? Brass Drawer Pulls

Before I get started sanding, priming, and painting - I needed to decide if I will be using the existing pulls. From what I can gather they are solid brass so I decided to take a shot at polishing them and then make my decision. Since we are removing the top 3 drawers to house our TV components if one of them gets messed up in the process its okay.

I found a wealth of knowledge about brass pulls on this post by Centsational Girl. And based on the magnet test, it does appear that these are indeed real brass pulls.

I decided to take a shot at polishing them and then make my decision. Since we are removing the top 3 drawers to house our TV components if one of them gets messed up in the process its okay. Next it's time to start on the polishing and I decided to try the Brasso since I had to run to the store anyways and at $3.99 it seemed like a good idea.  I opened it up and got to work. Here is what we started with...

Man is that stuff strong smelling!!! It literally knocked me back with the really strong smell! I let 3 of our six pulls sit in the solution for about 20 minutes and its amazing how much gunk it ate away. Here is where we are after the brief soaking.

The more that I look at the pulls though - I am leaning towards something a little bigger and maybe with a back plate so these bad boys are going to be retired! This means that I need to fill the existing holes so I got to work on that using my trusty tube of Wood Filler. Once it dries - its time to start sanding and then the priming! I am so excited to keep moving on this...

But what really is keeping me moving is that I bought the paint today so I am literally itching to see the finished product. Here is a clue as to what color I went with.

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