Thursday, January 12, 2012

Free at last!!!

It has been a very long 24 hours in our house... No one is sick, the little man is okay, the husband even came home early from work yesterday and brought us lunch! Well, after much discussion we finally decided to bite the bullet and cancel our cable tv and home phone yesterday. We had a bundled package of phone, Internet, and tv which was running us $130 a month! And this was for the basic Cable with no high def, DVR, and premium channels! It was painful to send the payment every month. We had gotten a promo deal a few months ago which dropped us to right at $100 but sure enough each month the charge kept creeping back up higher! After being a very loyal customer for over 10 years, we called yesterday to drop to just the Internet package. We have spoken to several neighbors and friends who also did this and got there bill down to near fifty a month which is still insane but much more manageable. We decided to purchase a standard HD antenna which will let us get about 20 channels for free and in high def!

So imagine your surprise when they quote us $90 a month for thr Internet speed that we have right now! Really??? I pulled up their new customer rates online and they are charging $29 a month for this speed if you are a new customer but since we have doled out thousands of dollars to them over the last ten years they cannot give us that rate. After about three seconds of discussion, we cancelled the whole thing! No phone, no tv, no Internet.... And it was all gone about thirty seconds after we hung up the phone.

And wouldn't you know that none of the other Internet companies are providing service to our neighborhood? Thankfully, I stumbled upon ClearWire and gave them a quick call to verify service in our area. Amazingly.... They do! And for less than a third of the rate we were quoted we get unlimited data from a 4g network which can even be used in other locations not just your home! I signed up and had a package waiting this morning on my front door!

All you have to do is plug the unit into an outlet and wait for service..... Hmmm.... An hour later and still no network picked up. Now I am really freaking out! This was our last chance! On a whim, I took it upstairs and placed it in our laundry room window. Success!!!

So I am happily blogging and browsing away! On a more productive note, my mom ever so graciously offered to watch the little man this Saturday so that the husband and I can have 6 uninterrupted hours.... Of work around the house! We have so much to do to get the baby's room ready and move little man into big boy beds. It was never going to happen trying to squeeze the work into 2-3 hour segments while he napped. So lots of pics and updates next week, but in the meantime I am making sure we have everything that we need to knock everything out on Saturday!

Side note: since we had no cable last night we watched our wedding video and it's mind blowing thA it's been almost 3 years since I married my best friend and the man of my dreams!

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